Soulful Conversations with Ash Grunwald

Mindset for lockdown

Ash Grunwald Season 1 Episode 12

In Ash's first monologue for Soulful Conversation he talks about mindset tips and tricks that are useful for lockdown and of course any time.   Placing too much emphasis on the many things that are out of our control can be dangerous.   Turn off the news it promotes fear which suppresses the immune system by triggering the flight or fight response and renders us powerless through drawing our attention to things that,  by definition we can't change.  Ash is suggesting we take an opposite approach and focus strongly on the things we can change which happen to be the very subject matter of Soulful Conversations!
Mindset, wisdom and daily habits for improving the mind, the physical body and spiritual  connection.  This is a time to be ambitious and optimistic in areas that we can change and draw on taoist,  buddhist,  self help and personal growth writings to help us face the things we can't change.   
The first episode of the Lockdown edition of Soulful Conversations. 

Otis Eyewear 

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Earth Bottles - use promo code ASHLOVESME

Listen to Ash's album 'NOW' here

NOW by Ash Grunwald

This was such an uplifting soulful conversation! Hope you enjoy it and would love for you to reach out and start a conversation with us on Instagram here